Thursday, May 07, 2009

My favorites

In a busy and trying week, here are two current favorite things:

Favorite picture.

My son sent me this picture of the Obamas at a 3D movie in the White House. I don't know what they're watching but everyone seems to be enjoying it. How come the Prez's glasses are white and everyone else has blue glasses? Well, except for the guy in the second row.

Maybe they're looking at 3D movies of the Republican party self-destructing; a real life disaster in living color, high definition and, yes, three dimensions.

Favorite story.

I told you yesterday about Sally's friend Kris, whose father died and was buried on Tuesday. At a reception after the funeral everyone was sitting around in a Mormon wardhouse eating little sandwiches, "funeral potatoes" (famous at Mormon funerals), and drinking punch.

Kris' friend, Kevin, told this story:

On Monday Kris went to get some things she needed for the viewing and funeral, specifically pantyhose. Kris never wears them. Kevin told her, "Better get two pairs in case something happens to one." She just got the one. Sure enough, when she went to put them on for the funeral they had a big run in them. She called Kevin and asked him to stop at the store and pick some up for her.

I don't think Kevin will mind me saying he's gay. He's also a big guy, 6' tall, built very solid. He was in the Fred Meyer store in downtown Salt Lake City getting a clerk to help him find the pantyhose for Kris's size, and was aware the clerk was looking at him as if he were buying the hosiery for himself. He went into a little act, "Oh, these aren't for me, I wear the ones for the big girls!"

As Kevin got to the cash register with the pantyhose a woman shopper close by suddenly passed out and fell on the floor. A man walking by was looking at her and walked into a display, knocking it over. The clerks rushed over to see what was going on, and just then the power in the store went off. Kevin was at the cash register with no clerk and suddenly yelled out, "Will someone help me with these pantyhose? They have to be at a funeral!"


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